A blog roll of my outfits.
I hope you enjoy it.
As you could read a few posts before, I was really happy when I found this awesome jacket hanging around at a HM. It became one of my favorite pieces and now it is the time to combine it. I decided to mix it with its contained colors: Black and White! The shirt is actually really nice! I got it from the COUTIE ONLINE SHOP, if you are interested in one of those shirts click here. I really like the length it is not too long, which is the most important if you are not that large. Trust me, you don't have to worry about that. I was absolutely satisfied by the quality. Nevertheless.. my legs are covered with a black skinny pant and shiny chelsea boots on my feet round off the outfit. Actually this is one of my favorite outfits ever, I hope you love it as much as I do :)

We all know those days.. No motivation for anything, tired of last night out but you still have to go buy some food. That occurs most likely on sundays, as in my case. Sergej was visiting me and we wanted to get some food. But first I had to put some clothes on. But what do you wear if you don't care? We decided to make a post about how we dress in those situations because it is definitely part of a persons fashion identity.
On lazy days we are in the comfy mode:
Nike running shoes, brown yoga pants, some white shirt and a parka to cover. Basically the only thing I can recommend is to wear matching colors. That makes the whole outfit look harmonious. That rule applies allways! Wear whatever you want BUT MATCH COLORS! Otherwise you might look like a bum :D

I am recently in love with checked patterns. Any colors, I don't care! Since I like the combination of red and black, I bought a red shirt. Like always trying to keep it simple: black shoes, black skinny trousers, black shirt and a hat. Blablabla always black and a little highlight with the red shirt. A basic look for every day. Hope you like the look :)
Hey friends, I am finally back home - back in Berlin! Reason enough to start blogging actively again. Especially because I bought a lot of new clothes in the last time. To be more precise winter clothes. My favorite is definately my faux fur collar! It was a super deal at ASOS for 20€!!! Who would not buy that? Another nice accessory is my new favorite ring, which I bought at TOPMAN in Chicago. In combination with black chelsea boots, a black coat, black pants and a white knit sweater my whole outfit has that special classy touch. Oh wait, not to forget my super nice hat! I hope you like the outfit :)

Black is beautiful, isn't it? I am in love with it! It never goes out of vogue and it matches to almost every color. However I prefer to combine black with black. To me it is the best combination - classy, mystery and always cool. Since days are getting colder and colder, I needed a new coat. So I did some shopping and voilà there it was. I found my new coat at first sight at Zara. With its asymmetrical pattern and close up neck it looks as fancy as I needed it! Besides that it also keeps quite warm. Perfect! Directly next to the coat they placed this awesome print pants. I just had to buy it and so I did. What do you think about the pants at all? In combination with my black shoes the "black with prints" look is completed. I hope you like it.
This time I took the opportunity of getting photographed with my girls dog. He is quite a nice little guy, we had a lot of fun. Even tough he has a strong personality :D

Autumn in Mexico is completely different to autumn in Europe. That's for sure! Instead of falling leaves, rain and cold weather one can enjoy sun, 20 degree and cactus. Just joking! To be honest: I love it! But somehow I miss the opportunity to wear scarf and coats. Nevertheless I bought me some pieces for the season. Some shoes, shirts and a jacket. Easy as it is, I climbed the roof of my apartment and took some photos. This time with my friend Federico, who is also an exchange student (From Italy) in Mexico.
I decided to stay in a grey mood regarding this outfit. Black shoes - black socks. Grey trousers and a bordeaux/brown colored flower print shirt. To stay warm a grey down jacket, because it may get cold… someday! I hope you like the outfit and tell me your opinion :)
It was just a regular day at college. Nothing special.. boring classes and seeing friends. Until a girl came to me and told me that she really likes my outfit. It made my day and I was really happy. So I decided to take some photos of it, I hope you like the outfit as well :)
The Jacket is from Zara, it cost me around 40$. I love its shiny pattern. To keep the outfit clean, I combined it with natural colors. The sand colored american apparel backpack, my grey trousers from Zara and relaxed Nike sneakers. Clean, comfortable and proper, just how I like it.
We hope you like them :)
You should check out Adrian Éter's facebook page to get some inspiration. He definately knows what he is doing - fashion design! Also don't miss to take a look at Izael's blog. There is some nice stuff from the south of mexico to find!
Hey friends, here my new outfit of the week! Last week I was really really busy.. unfortunately I had no time to create a new post. Sorry for that! But because of that I have something really nice for you this week:
Jacket - Zara - 70€
Top - Bershka - 10€
Necklace - I dont know - 15€
Trousers - Zara - 50€
Shoes - YAYA - 20€
In total - 165€
Some pieces within this outfit are old ones, I still have from Berlin. Like the necklace, the jacket and the trousers. The top and the shoes are from Mexico. A simple Bershka tank top with print and striped comfy shoes. I love them!
For next week I have a little collaboration with a mexican fashion blogger. The guys name is Izael. Make sure you check his blog, it is really nice!
For this week I have something really special for you. A few weeks ago, when I arrived to Monterrey, I visited a runway. At this moment I didn't knew what I should expect. I didn't knew the designer nor the style at all. Arriving at the show I was really surprised. The runway took place at a parkade and was accentuated by some pretty dope hip hop. The set was awesome! Suddenly most of the pieces where made for women, but the last piece worn on the runway was for men. More precisely it was a sweater with a stunning front cover like a disco ball. With changing light it reflects different colors, I just had to have it. With the help of some contacts, I got in touch with the designer. And yeah: As you can see the sweater is reaaaally nice! Check the designers Facebook Page: HERE!
I combined the sweater with a simple DIY back skinny jeans and some Nike free run sneakers. Black streetwear, simple but never boring. Cheers.
Diese Woche mal wieder etwas casual. Alltagstaugliche Kleidung ist ja immer von Vorteil. Sie ist meist gemütlich und man fühlt sich einfach wohl. Mir geht es da nicht anders.
Als Javier und Ich entschieden in die felsige Berglandschaft um Monterrey zu fahren, war meine Entscheidung getroffen: Bei all dem Klettern wollte ich natürlich etwas gemütliches tragen. Gesagt, getan:
Das Shirt mit abgesetzen Flower Power Details hab ich bei Pull&Bear gekauft. Gekostet hat es mich 99 Peso. Das sind umgerechnet 7 Euro... Die Jeans Shorts aus dem Hause Castro habe ich schon seit 2 Jahren, ich liebe einfach ihren Ultra Used Look. Damit das ganze farblich passt und auch an den Füßen bequem ist, die geliebten Nike Roshe Run. Die kosten ca. 120 Euro. Um alles dabei zu haben, entschied mich für mein American Apparel Backpack. Cheers!
This week I am returning to some casual. Everyday clothes are most of the time very beneficial. They are comfortable and you feel good in them. I am no exception in this case.
As Javier and me decided to make a trip out to the rocky desert of Monterrey, it was clear that I wanted to wear something comfy. No sooner said than done!
The flower power detail shirt is a Pull&Bear. It cost me just 99 Peso, which is approx. 7 Euro... The jeans shorts of Castro is one of my favorite ones. I bought them like 2 years ago. I just love the ultra used look. To match the colors I wore my super comfortable Nike Roshe Run. They cost like 120 Euro. To make sure I have enough space to carry my stuff, I took my American Apparel Backpack. Cheers!
Hey Freunde, ich melde mich zurück. Diesmal aus Mexico, genauer gesagt Monterrey!
Ich bin jetzt seit einer Woche hier und muss sagen, dass es mir richtig gut gefällt. Die Mentalität, das Essen and so on sind einfach der Wahnsinn.. Heute beginnt mein Auslandssemester an der TEC in Monterrey, hierfür wollte ich mich neu einkleiden. Was für ein Glück, dass es ZARA in der Stadt gibt. Habe mich von Kopf bis Fuß neu eingekleidet:
Die Preise habe ich von Peso in Euro umgerechnet.. müssten also in etwa stimmen.
Die Sonnenbrille hat mich ca. 20€ gekostet. Ich liebe das Teil, vor allem den sanften Orange Ton der Gläser.. aber das kann ich euch leider nicht demonstrieren. Anyway! Das Hemd ist auch ein echter Hingucker. Kostenpunkt 40€, fairer Deal oder? Wenn ihr mich nach meinem favorite piece fragt, ist es definitiv die Hose. Ich liebe sie jetzt schon! Is ne Mischung aus Polyester, Wolle und Viskose und richtig angenehm zu tragen. Der etwas asymmetrische Schnitt hat es mir besonders angetan. Für 50€ hab ich sie eingepackt. Die Leder Mokassins haben mich 70€ gekostet. Last but not least die Tasche - im Sale für 30€.
In total kostet das gesamte Outfit 210€, für mich definitiv ein guter Kauf!
An dieser Stelle möchte ich mich bei meinem neuen Fotografen Javier Lazcano bedanken. Er hat einen super Job gemacht, oder? Checkt mal seine Facebook Seite, der Wahnsinn!
Hey friends, I finally arrived in Monterrey, Mexico! I am here since last week and to be honest: I love this city and this country. Especially the mentality and food are fucking awesome. Today is my first day at TEC university, where I will stay for 6 months. Therefore I decided to buy me a new Outfit. As we all know the first impression is very important. It seems that the city has some good shops, but because of the jet lag I decided not to go on a long trip. Luckily they have a Zara over here.
The prices are approximately calculated..
The sunglasses cost me around 20€, which is a very good deal! I love the warm orange color.. sad that I can't show you how it looks through them. But you could buy them it's a good investment. Anyway! The shirt is also very fancy, it cost me around 40€, which is a fair deal to me. What do you think about it? If you would ask me about my favorite piece, I would say for sure the pants. I love them, especially the asymmetric shape. They cost around 50€. Leather mokassins for 70€, easy going. And last but not least the bag for 30€ on sale.
In total I payed around 210€, for me definately a good buy!
Not to forget my new photographer Javier Lazcano! He will take all the pictures for the blog during the next months. He did an awesome job! Check out his Facebook Page. I Love it.
Wie ihr wahrscheinlich bereits mitbekommen habt, war ich die letzten Tage in Chicago unterwegs. Natürlich musste ich einen Look ablichten. Da ich aber mit relativ wenig Gepäck verreist bin, musste ich zuerst ein wenig shopen. In Downtown angekommen suchte ich nach einem highlight Piece. Der Rest sollte eher schlicht sein. Zum Glück hatte ich meine schwarze Skinny Jeans am Start, musste also keine neue kaufen. Im Topman Shop hab ich mir dann ziemlich entspannte Schlappen für 15 Dollar geholt. Sind umgerechnet 12 Euro... oder so?! Fairer Preis auf jeden Fall. Das Shirt habe ich bei Zara erstanden. Wie ihr wisst mein favorite Store. In Chicago hatten sie auch ganz andere und zum Teil sogar viel coolere Teile am Start. So kam ich zu meinem religious print Shirt. Kostenpunkt 30 Dollar. müsste so um die 24 Euro liegen.. Da es mir auf anhieb gefiel, nahm ich es mit. Während ich und mein Cousin die Fotos machten, kam eine ziemlich nice Lady vorbei und lies es sich nicht nehmen, Teil von Norhill zu sein. Nice One! Ich hoffe euch gefällt der Look.
As you may noticed, I have been on the road in Chicago for the last days. Sure that I had to photograph a look! But as I went on vacation with just a small amount of my stuff, I had to shop some new. Arrived in downtown I was looking for some highlight piece. The rest of the look should be kept basic. Luckily I had my black skinny jeans with me, so I didn't had to buy me some. At the topman shop I bought me some "shoes" for 15 Dollars, thats like around 12 Euro. I think that is a fair price. The shirt is from Zara - my favorite shop as you may noticed as a follower. In Chicago they had different pieces than in Berlin, I really liked that. So I decided to buy that shirt. It cost me 30 Dollar - 24 Euro approximately. Totally worth it, I loved it on first sight. During the photo shoot a really nice lady came by, she didn't missed her chance to be part of Norhill. I hope you like my look.
Neue Woche - Neuer Look!
Heute zeig ich euch mal eines meiner liebsten Teile in letzter Zeit. Meine ultra coole Wildleder Jacke! Das Teil ist der Hammer! Knallig rot wie ihr auf den Bildern sehen könnt, verleiht sie jedem Look das gewisse Etwas. Sie wärmt ganz gut und hält einem den kalten berliner Wind vom Leib - vor allem nachts. Da ich es eher schlicht mag, kombiniere ich sie mit simplen Farben. In diesem Fall schwarz und weiß. Das ganze geht eher in die casual Richtung ohne aber dabei langweilig zu wirken. Ist auch ein wirklich entspanntes Outfit um mal abends weg zu gehen. Das schöne Geschlecht liebt die Jacke: Couleur de l'amour.-
New Week - New Look!
Today I show you a really beloved piece straight out of my wardrobe. My super nice leather jacket! This piece is just awesome! With its powerful red color it highlights every outfit you wear. Besides that it also keeps you warm and covers you from the cold berlin night wind. As I like it casual, I combine the jacket with some simple colors: In that case black and white. The look gives a very casual feeling, comfortable but never boring. I really love to go out like that, the jacket catches every look. Girls love it: Couleur de l'amour.

Neue Woche - Neues Outfit
Derzeit befinde ich mich ja in der Prüfungsphase. Bei der ganzen Lernerei steht man oft ziemlich unter Druck. Um den Stress abzubauen rief ich sergej an, wir machten eine kleine Spritztour zum Ku'damm.
Das Outfit ist - bis auf die Hose - komplett neu! Sweatshirt, Tasche, Poloshirt und Schuhe gingen für ca. 142 Euro in meinen Besitz über. Gut ich gebe es zu, wir haben mal wieder den Zara Sale geplündert. Die hatten auch ordentlich Nachschub am Start!
Das Sweatshirt mit Kontrastärmeln kostet 40€. Es gefiel mir auf Anhieb, ich musste es haben! Über die Tasche bin ich auch richtig froh.. Ab August bin ich für ein Semester in Mexico, da braucht man(n) eine reisefähige Weekender Tasche. Für 50€ war sie meine.
Bei den Schuhen war ich mir nicht ganz sicher.. Sergej meinte, ich müsse sie nehmen. Für diesen Rat bin ich ihm heute dankbar. Nach so ein paar mal tragen gefallen sie mir auch richtig gut! Kostenpunkt 40€. Das Poloshirt ganz klassisch mit punktiertem Muster für 12€.
New week - new outfit
This week I have my exams at university so I am kinda stressed. The best way to deal with it is to buy new stuff. So I called sergej and we went to Kudamm to shop some new pieces.
The whole look is completely new - except the grey jeans. The sweater, bag, poloshirt and shoes cost around 142 Euro in total. Quite a good price, no? We were lookin around some shops but ended up at zara. Allways the same! But hey, they added some new stuff to their actual sale, they have some really cool new Pieces!
The sweater with contrast sleeves costs 40€, it was love on first sight so I just had to buy it! I am really glad that I found that bag. I will be in Mexico for 6 months for a semester abroad. So it is quite useful. It cost 50€.. I was not sure about the shoes, but Sergej forced me to buy it, promising I will never regret it. True! After a few times of wearing them, I really love them. They were reduced to 40€!! Last but not least the classic polo shirt for 12€
The photos were made - like most of the time - by Sergej. Thanks!
Heute zeige ich euch mal eines meiner liebsten Outfits!
Mein absoluter favorite ist dieses Shirt. Das Muster und die Grau/Weiß Kombination feier ich einfach! Dazu meine liebste Hose: eine 7/8 Chino in grau - gekauft bei Zara. Dazu meine wundervollen Leder Slipper. Als kleines Highlight ein Ring. Den hat mir eine geliebte Freundin geschenkt. Danke Eliza :)
Die Bilder wurden wie "fast" immer von Sergej gemacht. Danke Sergej!
Today I show you one of my favorite outfits!
My absolute favorite is the shirt. I just love the grey/white pattern combination! I combined it with my favorite pant: a 7/8 chino in grey. I bought it at Zara. Additionaly I wear my leather wonderful leather slippers. As a little highlight I wear a Ring. It was a present from a beloved friend. Thank you Eliza :)
Sergej took the pictures as "almost" always. Thank you Sergej!
Hey Freunde, heute mal wieder ein neuer Look von mir! Ich nenne ihn Denim. Wir ihr sehen könnt trage ich fast nur Denim. Abgesehen von meinem weißen Shirt. Die Jeans Jacke gefällt mir richtig gut, hab sie bei Zara im Sale gekauft. So auch die Schuhe. Zusammen hat mich das 100 Euro gekostet. Ziemliches Schnäppchen oder? Geht mal zu Zara der Sale ist diesen Sommer super! Kombiniert hab ich das ganze mit einer etwas helleren Jeans, skinny natürlich! Dazu ein weißes Shirt, ganz simpel. Hoffe es gefällt euch.
Die Fotos wurden dieses Mal wieder von Sergej gemacht. Danke Sergej!
Hey friends, today I show you a new look! I named it Denim. As you can see almost everything I wear on the photo is made of denim. Well, not the shirt.. of course not. I really like the denim Jacket, I bought it at the Zara sale. The shoes too. Together I paid around 100 Euro. Good price, huh? You should really visit this summer Zara sale, they have great offers! I combined it with a brighter Jeans, skinny cut of course! A white tee to make it perfect. Simple as I love it. I hope you like it.
The photos were taken by Sergej. Thank you Sergej!
Das Wochenende war lang. Seeehr lang. Es wurde viel gelacht, gefeiert und ge.....! Doch wie versprochen zeige ich euch einen neuen Look. Ich gebe ihm den Titel On Sale. Wie ihr ja wisst war ich kürzlich bei Zara und hab ordentlich zugegriffen. Alles, aber auch wirklich alles war im Angebot, so dass das ganze Outfit mich nur knapp 120 Euro gekostet hat. Was für ein Glück man manchmal doch hat. Doch nun zum Stuff:
Das Poloshirt. Ich liebe das Teil! Es ist aus Baumwolle und in Netzoptik. So kommt man nicht ins schwitzen, perfekt für den Sommer! Ganz casual dazu eine einfache Short aus Baumwolle, ich liebe die Farbe! Was meint ihr? Ohne Accessoire geht natürlich nichts. Und da ich sowieso Lust hatte ne neue Tasche zu kaufen, hab ich mir die Clutch gegönnt. Sie ist aus Leder, of course! Dazu natürlich noch Schuhe: Leder Slipper in einem Mix aus Burgund und Dunkelbraun.. Awesome!
Danke an dieser Stelle an meine liebe französische Freundin Clementine! Sie hat die Bilder gemacht, gute Arbeit oder?
The weekend was long. Veeeery long. We laughed, partied and ...... a lot! But as I promised I will show you a new look. I named it On sale. As you know I recently went to Zara and they had sale... Everything I wear on this outfit was on sale. EVERYTHING, I swear. Very beneficial for my purse, cause it just cost me around 120 Euro in total! Yeah, sometimes one can be very lucky. Now the Stuff:
The polo shirt. I love this piece! It's made of cotton and has a net structure. That's perfect for summer! I combined it with a casual short, also cotton. I love it's color, what do you think? As everyone knows: You need accessoires! Such a coincidence that I wanted to buy a new bag anyway. I took a clutch, for men of course! Necessarly some shoes: Leather slippers colored in a mix of dark brown and burgundy.. Awesome!
Thanks to my dear french friend Clementine! She took the photos this time, cause sergej was out of order. She did it well, huh?
Mir war gestern wieder ein bischen langweilig. Also entschied ich mich durch ein paar Shops zu ziehen. Gut, ich wollte nich so weit laufen.. bin also nur zu Zara. Das schöne war, dass gerade Sale ist. Ihr kennt das ja, alles schön reduziert. Was willste mehr? Ich hab auch richtig nicen Stuff gefunden. Auf dem Bild oben könnt ihr schonmal meine neue Tasche bewundern. Und weil meine neue Klamotten mir so gut gefallen haben, hab ich sie auch sofort geshootet! Ich werde sie bis Montag bearbeiten. Dann zeig ich sie euch, bis dann :)
I was kinda bored yesterday so i decided to check some shops. Well, I ended up at Zara. It was sale so all of you can imagine how exciting it was. Anyway.. I bought some really nice pieces! You can see my new bag on the picture above. I liked my clothes so much, that I decided to shoot them immediately. I will edit them this weekend to show them to you on monday, I swear :)
I bought some new stuff! It is very beneficial that I live at Hakescher Markt at the moment, i just had to walk around the corner to find something. Well, to be honest.. I just made it to Weekday, where I got stuck. U know Weekday? However, they had many cool pieces. So I decided to give them my cash. One pant, a sweater, two bags and a shirts later... I am broke...But happier!// On this picture u can see my new orange sweater and the white bag. I will show you the other pieces within the next days.
Wie ihr wisst war ich ja vor kurzem bei Weekday (Berlin Mitte) und hab mein letztes Hemd hergegeben. Und es hat sich gelohnt! Hier die Hose und die Sports Bag die ich mir rausgelassen habe. Kombiniert mit meinen über alles geliebten Nike Roshe Run in weiß. Die hab ich übrigens direkt gegenüber bei KIKZ gekauft... Ja, und weil ich es casual liebe ein einfaches weißes Tee dazu! Enjoy.
Hey friends, I promised u an outfit with the new pieces I bought on my orgy at Weekday. Here it is: As u know i have been to the Weekday Store recently to give them my last coins.. and it was totally worth it! My new pant and the sports bag I bought. I combine it with my beloved white Nike Roshe run to complete the look.. by the way, I bought them just across the street at the KIKZ store. I love it casual, so I combined it with a plain white tee! Enjoy.
1 Kommentar:
Great looks!
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